MySQL Constraint – PRIMARY KEY

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Hello everyone in the previous article we learn about MySQL Constraint – UNIQUE and in this article, we will learn PRIMARY KEY constraint with example. Let’s go.

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What is the PRIMARY KEY?
MySQL PRIMARY KEY constraint uniquely identifies each row in a table and also it creates a unique index for accessing the table will access faster. The columns of a Primary Key cannot have null values in MySQL and it must contain unique values.
A Primary key has only one on a table, if the primary key used with multiple fields, then they are called a Composite Key.

Syntax 1 for creating PRIMARY KEY with CREATE table statement.
                              CREATE TABLE table_name (
                                            column1_name  data type ()  PRIMARY KEY,
                                            column2_name data type ()  NOT NULL,
                                            column3_name data type ()  NOT NULL

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Syntax 2
                              CREATE TABLE table_name (
                                            column1_name data type (),
                                            column2_name data type (),
                                            PRIMARY KEY (column_name)

Example 1 for creating PRIMARY KEY with CREATE table statement
                              CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE (
                                            eID INT PRIMARY KEY,
                                            eNAME VARCHAR (255)            NOT NULL,
                                            eAGE INT NOT NULL,
                                            eADDRESS VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL
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Example 2
                              CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE (
                                            eID INT AUTO_INCREMENT,
                                            eNAME VARCHAR (255)            NOT NULL,
                                            eAGE INT NOT NULL,
                                            eADDRESS VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL,
                                            PRIMARY KEY (eID)

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You can add PRIMARY KEY constraint when the table is already created using the ALTER TABLE statement. Following is the syntax and example:
                             ALTER TABLE table_name
                             ADD PRIMARY KEY (column_name)
                             ALTER TABLE Employee
                             ADD PRIMARY KEY (eID);

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If you want to drop created a PRIMARY KEY constraint, then follow the steps:
                             ALTER TABLE table_name
                             DROP PRIMARY KEY;
                             ALTER TABLE Employee
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