ALTER statement in MySQL

Hello and welcome everyone. In this article, we will learn about the ALTER table statement in MySQL. Let’s go.

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MySQL ALTER command is used to modify the table, view an existing database. When you have completed your database design and after that, you realize some of the information was left out when creating a database. You want to change without losing existing data, and then you can change data using ALTER command.
MySQL ALTER command is used to add a column with an existing table, add multiple columns, drop a column, modify a column, rename a column, and rename the table. ALTER command also used to add and drop constraints on the existing table.

Now we see in details with an example following ALTER command uses:
1.    Add Column
2.    Add Multiple Columns
3.    Drop Column
4.    Modify Column
5.    Rename Column
6.    Rename Table

Here is the, we will create a table for an employee in the database.

                   e_id int (10) PRIMARY KEY,
                   e_firstname varchar (50) NOT NULL,
                   e_lastname varchar (50) NOT NULL,
                   e_age int (10),
                   e_city varchar (250)
e_sex char (1)
e_phnumber int (15) NOT NULL

Here we insert record in the employee table.
INSERT INTO employee (
  ‘e_id’, ’e_firstname’, ’e_lastname’,
  ’e_age’, ’e_city’, ’e_sex’,
    1, ‘Hone’, ‘Reus’, 25, ‘San Jose’, ‘M’, ‘ + 1 555 555 1111’
    2, ‘Cries’, ’Fence’, 23, ’Fresno’, ’F’, ’ +1 555 555 1111’

Final Result
‘e_id’ ’e_firstname’ ’e_lastname’ ’e_age’ ’e_city’  ’e_sex’ ’e_phnumber’
  1     Hone        Reus   25    San Jose   M     +1 555 555 1111
  2     Cries         Fence  23    Fresno     F    +1 555 555 1111

1.    Add Column
In that, you can add column in an existing table. Above employee table, I want to add e_email address column.
          ALTER TABLE table_name
          ADD column_name datatype (size);
          ALTER TABLE employee
          ADD e_email varchar (150);

2.    Add Multiple Columns
In that, you can add multiple columns in the existing table. Above employee table, I want to add two new columns, e_salary, and e_designation
          ALTER TABLE table_name
          ADD column_name_1 datatype (size)
          ADD column_name_2 datatype (size)
          ALTER TABLE employee
          ADD e_salary int (50)
          ADD e_designation varchar (255);

3.    Drop Columns
If you want to drop some columns in the existing table, then you can use drop column command with an ALTER table. I want to drop an e_email column from above employee table.
          ALTER TABLE table_name
          DROP COLUMN column_name;
          ALTER TABLE employee
          DROP COLUMN e_email;

4.    Modify Column
Change data type or data type size with modifying column command. I want to modify e_age column datatype size.
          ALTER TABLE table_name
          MODIFY COLUMN column_name datatype (size);
          ALTER TABLE employee
          MODIFY COLUMN e_age INT (2);

5.    Rename Column
When you want to change the column name, then you can use rename column. I want to rename “e_phnumber” column name to “e_mobno”.
          ALTER TABLE table_name
          CHANGE COLUMN old_column_name new_column_name;
          ALTER TABLE employee
          CHANGE COLUMN e_phnumber e_mobno;

6.    Rename Table
Change table name using the rename table command. I want to rename “employee” table name to “employee_info”.
          ALTER TABLE table_name
          RENAME to new_table_name;
          ALTER TABLE employee
          RENAME to employee_info;
In this article, we learned about ALTER TABLE command. What is the use of ALTER TABLE command and how to use it.
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