RDBMS vs MongoDB

Hello everyone, in this article we will learn the difference between RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) vs MongoDB. Let’s go.
Following are the difference between RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) vs MongoDB

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v RDBMS is a relational database.
MongoDB is a non-relational database.

v In RDBMS row represents implicitly structured data in a table.
In MongoDB, the data is stored in documents.

v RDBMS is a table based. You can store data using columns and rows it contains a table.
In MongoDB Collection based and key-value pair. The collection contains documents known as Fields.

v In RDBMS you need design table structure, relations after that you can start writing code.
In MongoDB, you can start without a design table structure. In development, you can modify your objects at a lesser cost.
MongoDB with .Net Core course link => https://www.udemy.com/mongodb-with-net-core-sagar-jaybhay/

v RDBMS firstly required normalized data.
MongoDB is flexible and it doesn’t need normalized data.

v RDBMS is supported to Structured Query Language.
MongoDB also support JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).

v In RDBMS are known for enforcing data integrity.
In MongoDB, data integrity is not an explicit requirement.

v In RDBMS emphasizes on ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) properties.
In MongoDB emphasizes on CAP (Consistency, Availability, and Partition tolerance) theorem.

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v RDBMS is a Column based.
MongoDB is a Field-based.

v RDBMS is using Group by function.
MongoDB is using Aggregation.

v RDBMS is not suitable for hierarchical data storage.
MongoDB is best suitable for hierarchical data storage.

v In RDBMS Primary Key using uniquely identifies each record in the table.
In MongoDB Primary key (default key_id provided by MongoDB itself).

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v RDBMS supports to Foreign key constraint.
MongoDB does not support Foreign key constraint, but if you need foreign key constraint then you have to handle foreign key constraint in the code.

v RDBMS is support for Joins (you can join two or more tables).
MongoDB is not supported to Joins, but you can change your document structure (keep in mind MongoDB has a maximum document size of 16MB.).

v RDBMS supports triggers.
MongoDB does not support triggers.

v In RDBMS you can retrieve data from the table then you write following query
SELECT * FROM table_name;
In MongoDB you can retrieve data from the table then you write following code

v In RDBMS if you want to insert data into the table then you write following query
INSERT INTO table_name (column_1, column_2, column_3, ….) VALUES (value_1, value_2, value_3, ….)
In MongoDB, if you want to insert data into the collection then you write following code
                                   field_1:         value_1,
                                   field_2:         value_2,
                                   field_3:         value_3

MongoDB with .Net Core course link => https://www.udemy.com/mongodb-with-net-core-sagar-jaybhay/

v RDBMS if you want to update your existing data then you write following query:
UPDATE student
SET stud_remark = ‘Pass’
WHERE stud_mark > 35;
MongoDB if you want to update your existing data then you write following code:
({        stud_mark:  {         $gt:  35         }          },
                       {          $set:  {   stud_remark: ‘Pass’   }          },
                       {          multi:   true      })
Terminology & Concepts
Many terminology and concepts in MySQL have near equivalents in MongoDB. Following are the common concepts across MySQL and MongoDB.

                       MySQL                           MongoDB
                       Table                                               Collection
                       Row                                                 Document
                       Column                                           Field
                       Join’s                                                Embedded documents
                       Group by                                        Aggregation Pipeline

MongoDB with .Net Core course link => https://www.udemy.com/mongodb-with-net-core-sagar-jaybhay/


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